ARFH atlas of ES Mar 30, 2016 | 10:03 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

As is known, March 2 President Ilham Aliyev signed an order on the publication of the Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan republic.

At the disposal, the editorial board and the program have been approved. Director of the Institute of Geography Ramiz Mammadov was appointed executive secretary of the Atlas. The main performers are the Institute of Geography and the Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

At the meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Geography of ANAS, academician R.Mammadov gave detailed information on the execution of the Order and the preparation of the Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The academician said that for the first time in 2008, he launched an initiative for the establishment of such an atlas. His project was repeatedly discussed at different levels. In Azerbaijan, the work on its preparation was started two years ago, and has been accelerated after the order of the President.

The scientist –geographer drew attention to the position of developing destructive processes in the active mountain belt. Resulting in activation of the mutual influence of these factors from year to year, he noted the growing influence of the environment mudflows, floods, earthquakes, landslides, droughts, fires and other natural destructive accidents and processes.

According to him, the Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan is of great interest in terms of assessing the complex risks and damage as a result of the destructive processes that have occurred and may occur, and will determine the danger zones in the country, as well as to control them in the future.

R.Mammadov stressed the primary importance of the creation of the Atlas and spoke in detail about the process of this work. The academician noted that when preparing the program project he took advantage of the experience of the advanced countries. It is also envisaged to invite foreign specialists for training.

More than 200 cards will be developed.

During the meeting have been given answers to all the questions and was made a distribution of maps by industry.