A trip of masters to Sheki has been organized Nov 06, 2017 | 01:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

November 2-6, the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS, Baku State University and Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS organized a trip to Sheki of Masters of the Institute of Geography and Faculty of Geography of BSU. The purpose of the event is the introduction of science and education into production and a closer acquaintance with natural and anthropogenic recreational resources, tourist sites and industrial enterprises.

During this visit, the staff of the Institute of Geography- PhD in geography assoc. prof., Zaur Imrani, PhD in geography Matanat Musayeva, the teacher of BSU Polad Orucev and the employee of Sheki Scientific Center of ANAS Yusif Rahimov - acquainted the masters with natural and historical monuments and some production enterprises of the region.

The participants of the excursion visited the newly constructed recreation complex “Marhal”, the Albanian temple “Kish” of I-IVs., the local museum of history, visited Sheki Khan Saray and Karavansaray, and also got acquainted  with regional customs and traditions.

The masters saw the anthropogenic pine forest, examined the mudflow areas of the Kish River, visited the silk factory “Sheki-Ipek,” got acquainted with the production process there, having seen the principle of work of new and old technologies. They also visited the shop selling the plant’s products and received answers to all their questions.

The trip in Sheki with the aim of introducing science and education into production will help them in their future activities and broaden their horizons.