Egyptian colleagues met with the leadership of the IG Nov 13, 2017 | 12:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

November 13, at the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS, a meeting was held with the delegation of the Institute of Petroleum Research (MNTI) of the Egyptian Arab Republic, which was in our republic. The purpose of the meeting was to establish links between two organizations in the field of science and education.

The director of the Institute of Geography, academician Ramiz Mammadov, welcomed the guests and gave brief information about the institute’s activities, the main fields of research, international relations, etc. He told them about works in the field of oceanology.

Director of MNTI, Professor Ahmed Mahammad Al-Sabah, in turn thanked for the warm welcome and informed about the institute, whose leader he is. He noted that scientific cooperation will be useful for both sides.

Then a discussion was carried out on cooperation. As a result, it was decided to jointly implement projects in the field of oceanology and development programs, joint training of doctoral students and memorandum on academic exchange of students.