Our scientist signed an International Memorandum Dec 14, 2018 | 02:12 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Deputy Director for Science of IG, doc. Maharram Hasanov, was on a business trip to Peoples’s Republic of China from December 6 to 10.

M.Hasanov took part in the 4th Asian Geographical Conference (AGC-2018), organized by the Chinese Geographical Society and the School of Geography and Planning of Sun Yat-Sen University, and held at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, with the participation of 22 Asian countries.

The theme of the conference was “Development of Asia and our Geography”.

Our scientist made a presentation “Azerbaijan, Institute of Geography H.Aliyev of ANAS and Azerbaijan Geographical Society”. He informed about the geographical position of Azerbaijan, the place of our country in the West-East and South-North transport corridor, the republic’s natural resources, climatic conditions and climate change, landscape, as well as atlases, books and maps compiled and published by the Institute’s staff.

He also touched upon the issues of the occupation of our territories by the wrong neighbor, atrocities, the destruction of forests, damage to the environment, etc.

At the end of the event, the participants signed a memorandum on the establishment of the Association of Asian Geographical Societies, and reported this to the media.

The conference was attended by a professor at Hokkaido University, president of the International Geographic Union Yukio Chimiyama.