The staff of IG spoke at the International Conference Apr 30, 2019 | 02:04 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

April 26 employees of the Institute of Geography named after acad.H.Aliyev of ANAS took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Goals for Sustainable development: current situation and prospects” dedicated to the 96th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev.

Z.Eminov, B.Huseynov made a report on the topic “Regional and geographical problems of sustainable development of the country”, Kh.Tahirova “Demographic factors forming the age structure of the rural population of Azerbaijan”. E. Badalov reported on the theme “Demographic aspects of sustainable human development in the cities of Azerbaijan”, T.Huseynova on the theme “Territorial organization and development of social services in the Mountain Shirvan economic region”.