CYSS took part in the report meeting of the “Small Academy" Jun 04, 2019 | 04:06 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Members of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS again were present at the report meeting of the Institute of Geography.

An employee of IG Gulsar Imanova, who runs the Smll Academy, spoke about activities, field events, the experience of high class schoolchildren, and presentations on various topics based on scientific innovations. She noted the success of the activities “Environmental Impact on Human helth”, “Heavenly bodies, the world of stars”, etc.

Chairwoman of CYSS, Dr. Samira Alekperova, and a junior researcher at the Institute, Farida Talybova, addressed the children and gave them advice.

Then there was a performance of talented pupils.