The possibilities of organizing sustainable tourism activities in Azerbaijan are considered Mar 17, 2020 | 10:03 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The possibilities of organizing sustainable tourism activities and the potential of rural tourism in Azerbaijan are considered at the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev.

At the initial stage, the resource base of rural tourism and the prospects for its use were studied. At the same time, foreign experience in the development of this type of tourism was studied. Based on these studies, preliminary results are obtained.

It turned out that the mountain villages of the administrative regions of Guba and Gusar are considered suitable for tourism, thanks to natural resources.

The mountain villages of Khinalig, Budug, Gyryzdahna, Haput, Jak, Kuzun and Laza attract tourists with their nature and ethnic origin. There are great potential opportunities for the development of religious, ethnographic, ecological and extreme tourism.