Expert geographer: no food problems Apr 17, 2020 | 10:04 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

During the quarantine period declared in the republic as a result of the spread of the coronavirus Covid 19, docent Anvar Aliyev, head of the department of Ecogeography of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev ANAS,  made some reports on the current situation on farms, as well as on some environment problems.

He noted that due to quarantine conditions, along with the emergence of significant problems in some sectors of the economy, especially in industry, the suspension of most production sites had a positive impact on the environment from an environmental point of view.

The amount of toxic substances released into the atmosphere has significantly decreased in result of the sharp reduction in emissions from stationary (factories, plants, etc.) and non-stationary sources (vehicles).

In this case, the amount of carbon oxides, nitrogen, aldehydes discharged into the atmosphere will be reduced by half and the atmosphere will be cleared. That will have a positive impact on human health and strengthen the human body’s immunity.

Before the announcement of quarantine, A.Aliyev have visited some mountainous areas of the northern part of the Shirvan plain – Goychay, Agsu, Kurdamir and have observed the course of spring field work. The work is organized in accordance with the requirements of the government on the continuous supply of agricultural products to the population. Workers continue to work in special clothing, masks and gloves.

Executive authorities monitor progress on the ground.