IG scientist proposes to eliminate the region administration May 13, 2020 | 12:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Leading researcher of Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS, Rashid Fataliyev, PhD in geology and mineralogy, published an article on the site Azpolitika.info entitled “Eliminate the region administration system -20 regions and 10 cities under republican subordination (proposal)”.

The author emphasizes the need to take significant steps to solve existing problems in the regional management system, and to change the managerial mechanism.

He believes that the problem of combating corruption should be approached from a moral, material and economic-geographical point of view.

“A truly educated, correct person and patriot cannot be immoral, robbing his people and humiliating his nation”, he said.

According to Confucius, there are always such people in the country, you just need to find them and put them in their place. The author suggests test exams for candidates to leadership positions in economics, law, management, as well as in the Azerbaijani language and history.

R.Fataliyev advises to abandon the concept of “region” of the Soviet period and replace it with the word “el” and depending on the population, location, historical affiliation etc. to combine it into “mahal” or “country” within the territorial and administrative areas.