An online meeting was held with Iranian colleagues May 14, 2020 | 03:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

An online meeting was held between the leadership of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS and Tabriz University of Iran in connection with the begun cooperation in accordance with the Memorandum.

During the conversation, the parties exchanged views on the history of Institutions, their activities, achievements of recent years, projects for the future, as well as how employees adapt their work to the quarantine situation in connection with the Pandemic COVID- 19.

The Director of the Institute of Geography, academician Ramiz Mammadov noted that the organization’s priority topics are climate change, water problem, natural systems in the countries, ecology, application of GIS technologies, and study of the Caspian Sea etc. He said that in recent months the staff has prepared a large-scale digital map of the environmental risk of Azerbaijan and the COVID-19 monitoring system, updated at least once a day and providing information about the pandemic in the world, as well as in Azerbaijan.

Deputy Director for science, doc. Maharram Hasanov, spoke about research in the field of climate and agroclimate in Azerbaijan, the impact of climate change on agriculture.

Iranian scientists talked about their achievements in various fields of geography.

It was noted that all conditions were created for students of Tabriz University, the second largest educational institution in Iran. In addition to education, they develop research, combining science and commerce.

Academician Ramiz Mammadov and prof. Bahruz Sari Sarraf, head of the Department of Planning and Environment at Tabriz University noted that a joint online scientific seminar on a specific topic will be held in the coming days and will give positive results in the development of communications and science.

In accordance with the action plan on science in the post-pandemic period of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, the study of the effects of climate change was met by mutual agreement.