Great success! May 27, 2016 | 11:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

According to the decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic dated May 26, 2016, scientists of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev, the director, academician Ramiz Mamedov,

deputy director for science, corresponding member of ANAS, prof. Elbrus Alizade, PhD in geography Maharram hasanov and D. Sc. Zakir Eminov have been awarded of the State Prize in the field of science for the creation of a three-volume monograph “The Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

May 27, at the official reception on the occasion of Republic Day, President Ilham Aliyev presented state awards to them.

Three-volume monograph “Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, fruit of many years of work, which has no analogues in the Azerbaijan geography, is one of the achievement of the Azerbaijani geographical science.

The trilogy contains numerous maps, graphs and charts.

In volume I “Physical Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, on the basis of the latest scientific and theoretical and methodological approaches are considered the geographical position of our country, its orography, history study, geology, minerals, paleogeography, climate, inland waters, soil and vegetation, the landscape, the characteristic features of the Caspian Sea.

Volume II-“Economic, social and political geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan” is devoted to the study of economic, political and socio-demographic problems of the country, their causes, suggestions and recommendations for their elimination.

In the IIIrd tome “Regional geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan” are explored physical and geo-economic characteristics and prospects of development of the country regions.

At the same time, are studied issues that are important to implement and already implemented in the field of food security of the population, sustainable economic development, the implementation of the State Program. The economic potential of regions is analyzed.  Are indicated sectors of the economy more suitable for development, are projected perspective directions for development.

At the award ceremony spoke academician Ramiz Mammadov. On behalf of laureates, he thanked the Head of the State, President Ilham Aliyev for the high appreciation of work of geographers and scientists and pointed out that the President has created all conditions for the development of the country’s science and education. According to the President himself, “there are favorable conditions for the intellectual development of intellect”.

R.Mammadov also reminded about the initiative of the national leader Heydar Aliyev which sent representatives of the Azerbaijani youth to study in graduate school in Moscow, among whom he also was. He also shared pleasant memories about academician Hasan Aliyev who had created the first observatory on the open sea within the framework of UN Program for the environment, where he was invited to work. Academician noted that they received the award in the form of an advance.